Top Signs to check that your CMS is outdated

How to check Outdated CMS

Updated on November 26, 2019

Quick Tips Wordpress

How to Check Outdated CMS

Web presence has become the essence of doing business. As the more and more online activity of users is increasing, the World Wide Web is flooded with websites. Hence the site should be optimal enough to yield positive results for the businesses. Having a good Content Management System or CMS is one of the main aspects that can bring success to the website. A website having obsolete Outdated CMS will hamper its growth because it attracts malicious activity and can even result in data getting stolen or misused.

It is essential to create a website using up-to-date CMS platforms so that the site can bring desirable results and the content in it can be safe. web content management can be executed by experts who have perfect knowledge about the same so that a website with good navigational tools is created. No one wants to waste time on a site that is hard to navigate and takes a long to download. A few signs are indicative of using an obsolete and outdated CMS:

Check if Your CMS is Outdated with this Table of Latest Versions and Outdated Versions.

CMS Name Latest Version Release Date Outdated Version
WordPress 5.8.1 Oct 2021 5.0 and below
Joomla 3.9.28 Jan 2022 3.0 and below
Drupal 9.3.2 Apr 2022 7 and below
Magento 2.4.3 Aug 2021 2.0 and below
Shopify N/A N/A N/A

Manual Updates

To manually update your CMS (Content Management System), you can follow these general steps:

  1. Backup your website: Before making any updates, it’s crucial to back up your website, including all files and databases. This will ensure that you have a copy of your website in case something goes wrong during the update process.
  2. Download the latest version of your CMS: Go to the official website of your CMS and download the latest version. Make sure you download the correct version for your website, including any plugins or themes you are using.
  3. Deactivate plugins and switch to a default theme: Deactivate all plugins and switch to a default theme provided by the CMS. This will prevent any compatibility issues during the update process.
  4. Upload and extract the CMS files: Upload the downloaded CMS files to your website using FTP or a file manager in your web hosting control panel. Then, extract the files to overwrite the old files.
  5. Run the update script: Some CMSs require you to run an update script to update the database and perform any necessary changes. Follow the instructions provided by the CMS to run the script.
  6. Reactivate plugins and switch to your theme: Once the update is complete, reactivate your plugins and switch to your preferred theme. Make sure to check that everything is working correctly.
  7. Test your website: Test your website thoroughly to ensure that all pages, features, and functions are working correctly.

The Benefits of Upgrading to a Modern CMS

On the other hand, you could also focus on the benefits of upgrading to a more modern CMS system. This could include improved security, better performance, easier content management, and more. You could also highlight some of the features and capabilities of modern CMS systems that might not be available in older ones.

Examples of Outdated CMS Systems

If you’re looking for a more concrete angle, you could write a post that explores some specific outdated CMS systems and what makes them problematic. You could look at systems that are no longer supported by their developers, those that haven’t been updated in years, or those that are known to have significant security issues.

Is the CMS good enough to cater to the marketing goals of the business?

If the CMS around which the website has been constructed fails to cater to the marketing and promotional requirements of the business, then it is surely run for time and money. The content manager should think of incorporating a CMS which is flexible and can easily integrate the changes that the company wants to bring in the content available on the site.

Is the CMS requiring help from IT?

The CMS platforms available in recent years are equipped with robust and functional tools. Hence making changes to the website is simple and can be done by the company itself. But if the CMS requires expert handling for making small changes, then it means it is not productive enough. It is time-consuming and dependent on experts for petty changes and that is not a great idea content management tools should be user-centric and easy to use.

CMS admins are dissatisfied with underperforming leads

A few questions asked to CMS admins and marketers would help in determining the future of the CMS:

  1. The look and feel of your CMS are obsolete
  2. The CMS you are using is troubling to use
  3. Add-ons keep on adding up
  4. Content creators are unable to update or create content
  5. For users, there is no role-based user rights/access
  6. It is a rough journey to take advantage of the content

Is the CMS vendor updating the site?

Updating the software and site is the key to success in the World Wide Web. If the CMS is not flexible enough to handle the changing paradigm of technology and regularly helps in updating the site, then it is a wasteful expenditure. content management tools should be flexible and easy enough to accommodate changes.

Is the CMS ready to cater to diverse channel marketing?

The website created earlier is compatible enough to be run on a single platform i.e. web. But the activity of the people is in diverse channels like mobile, laptops, tablets, watches, etc. Hence the CMS should be ready to serve the cross-channel distribution with ease. CMS portal development services in Gurgaon can offer competent services in designing such a website.

What is the future of Content Marketing?

Headless CMS is one without any front-end system. The content manager selects the right interface and make use of API to call the content. Headless CMS allows updates and optimization of the content. It is flexible and has an Omni-channel approach. Such CMS is the most preferred one.