Magento Multi-Store: How to Manage Multiple Websites with One Installation

eCommerce development company

Updated on February 3, 2023

Web Development

Magento Installation

The credit for the success of eCommerce business growth goes to platforms like Magento Website. It has created an easy base for a lucrative business. Embedded features of this platform have enabled business start-ups to grow and connect with their customer base.

What Is Magento 2?

One of the key facets of a successful online business is its eCommerce applications. The convenience of browsing and searching on a website is directly proportional to the number of returning customers.
Magento 2 is an extremely versatile open-source eCommerce platform that offers a plethora of features and applications, while also being user-friendly and straightforward to navigate. It promises a seamless shopping experience for the shoppers.

After the incredible success of Magento 1, the launch of Magento 2 came in 2015.

It has several features that allow a company to manage the online content of the website with ease.

An eCommerce development company will find it the best-suited option for their client companies who are new to online businesses. It gives better scope for the betterment and efficient management of businesses.

Key Aspects

The launch of Magento 2 came after an increasing demand for newer features and advanced tools and applications. The updated version delivered unique solutions to a rapidly growing eCommerce community.

  • Enhanced scalability and faster performance. Pages will get loaded faster, users can now add more products to their shopping carts without the page reloading or restarting.
  • As part of seamless shopping, customers now have a quicker checkout process with just two steps. There is less cart abandonment and the option for buyers to check in as guests. There is no need for passwords and logins.
  • This version is more compatible with third-party tools and applications. Compatibility with PHP7 frameworks, databases, and cloud services enables a better-functioning website. It is also compatible with various payment gateways thus offering newer payment options.
  • The user-friendly interface of the version is easy to manage and operate. Admins and other management can access the site easily and manage different features of an online store.

The incorporation of Magento 2 promises an online customer useful and easy browsing features. For an eCommerce company, it means more conversions to real-time sales.

multi stores from a single magneto 2 installation

About Magento Website Multi-Store

Magento is a leading eCommerce development company that has single-handedly catapulted many start-up companies to a successful start.
Here is how the multi-store feature has created successful businesses.

  • You can now control the management of two or more stores with the same website.
  • You can even manage multiple websites with the same Magento 2 installation.
  • This feature is critical for websites that have developed into multi-brand websites.
  • It holds for those eCommerce websites that now have multiple categories of products.
  • Magento 2 enables a multi-store view for companies with the same installation.
  • The grand view panel allows an admin or a business owner to view and manage multiple sites and stores.
  • With a few simple steps, one can create as many online stores as required. No codes or heavy technicalities are necessary.

The availability of multi-store view, and management has not only contributed to better management but business growth as well.

Advantages Of Magento Website Multi-Store

The multi-store functions of Magento 2 bring about a plethora of advantages for online business companies.
Customer retention is higher with ease of shopping experience. The shopping experience will be better and easier. Uncomplicated and fewer steps to complete a transaction further streamlines the shopping experience for buyers.

  • Website management and admin operations become easier. The grand view panel enables a better view of all the stores. The themes and looks of each store can be changed from this panel.
  • The central panel also allows easy management of the online stores separately. Each store is given a distinct look with a different set of themes and application features. The extension features can be altered as per requirement.
  • Each online store can have individual payment gateways, shipping methods, and methods of handling customer information.
  • Each store can have its catalogs, various categories, and individual features that would be beneficial for that product or type of business. It may be different from the other online store.

Perhaps the biggest takeaway from Magento development is its easy-to-follow steps for working with the platform. There are no codes, and none of the high-end technical complications – it makes the platform more accessible and fun to work with.

It has become increasingly popular and widely used because the results are seen with successful eCommerce businesses and higher sales.

The Magento Website Hierarchy

If this structural hierarchy is understood, it only becomes easier to manage the multi-store levels within the same installation.

The new version of Magento 2 has four structural divisions.

  • Global

    It refers to the overall Magento installation. This includes the complete configuration settings of the entire installation for the multi-store operations.

  • Website

    This is the shop floor. It contains online stores and details like payment gateways, pricing, orders, customer information, shipping and delivery, currency details, and taxes.

  • Store

    It has all the product catalogs and product details offered by each store.

  • Store View

    This is a visual layout of one or multiple stores. It is presented with different design themes, multiple languages, and currencies.

multi store

Things To Know About Magento

Magento 2 will work well for your business when you have adhered to all the requirements.

  • A multi-domain SSL certificate will be necessary.
  • A multi-site hosting service should be available to prevent and avoid server-related issues.
  • Ensure proper configuration of the Magento multi-store.
  • Always ensure a proper backup for your Magento operations. This will keep the online stores up and running even in the case of any technical issues. Site security should be of primary importance.


You can always take assistance from an eCommerce development company to build the best online store customized to your business module. You will need a platform that is easy to manage and free of complicated manifold pathways for daily business handling.

A streamlined and seamless eCommerce experience is precisely what is provided by Magento 2 – for both the seller and the buyer.


What is Magento Development?

Magento Development refers to the process of creating or customizing eCommerce websites using Magento, an open-source content management system. It involves developing and integrating various features, such as payment gateways, shipping methods, custom themes, and extensions to create a unique and fully functional online store.

The three most important things to keep in mind about Magento Development are:

  1. Magento is a powerful eCommerce platform that requires expert-level knowledge of PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to develop custom features and themes.
  2. Magento offers a range of pre-built modules, themes, and extensions that can be used to enhance the functionality and appearance of your website.
  3. When developing with Magento, it’s essential to optimize your website for speed and performance, as slow loading times can negatively impact user experience and SEO rankings.

What are the benefits of using Magento for eCommerce development?

Magento is one of the most popular eCommerce platforms in the world, and it offers a range of benefits for eCommerce development. Some of the key benefits of using Magento for eCommerce development include:

  1. Customizability: Magento is highly customizable and offers a range of tools and features that allow for the development of unique and personalized eCommerce experiences.
  2. Scalability: Magento is built to handle large volumes of traffic and transactions, making it an ideal platform for businesses looking to scale their eCommerce operations.
  3. Flexibility: Magento can be integrated with a wide range of third-party services and tools, allowing for the creation of powerful and customized eCommerce experiences.

What are the different types of Magento Development?

There are several types of Magento Development, including:

  1. Magento Theme Development: This involves creating custom Magento themes to give your eCommerce website a unique and personalized look and feel.
  2. Magento Extension Development: This involves developing custom Magento extensions to add new functionality to your eCommerce website.
  3. Magento Integration: This involves integrating Magento with third-party tools and services, such as payment gateways, shipping providers, and marketing tools.

The three most important things to keep in mind about the different types of Magento Development Services are:

  1. Each type of Magento Development requires a different set of skills and expertise, so it’s essential to work with a developer who has experience in the specific area you need help with.
  2. Depending on the complexity of your project, you may need a team of developers to handle multiple areas of development.
  3. In order to optimize your Magento Development project, it is crucial to first have a comprehensive understanding of your business objectives, as well as the specific features and functionalities required to attain them.

What is Magento Enterprise?

To clarify, businesses operating at a large or enterprise level are specifically tailored for by Magento Enterprise. It offers a range of advanced features and capabilities, including:

  1. Advanced content management in Magento Enterprise includes dynamic customer segmentation, targeted content, and automated merchandising.
  2. Magento Enterprise has enhanced security features, including secure payment and checkout processes, and compliance with industry-standard security protocols, to ensure safe and protected transactions for customers.
  3. Customer Support: Magento Enterprise includes dedicated customer support and account management to ensure that enterprise-level businesses have the support they need to operate smoothly.


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