10 Best WordPress Plugins for Every Business Website

best WordPress plugin

Updated on September 2, 2019

Quick Tips Wordpress

Top High-Demand WordPress Plugins for Your Website

Many of our users are business owners who often ask us for WordPress plugin suggestions. Having the right set of tools can help you take your business to the next level. In this article, we will share the most WordPress plugins for business websites.

1. Contact Form 7

Your WordPress website is incomplete with a contact page, where your user can contact you easily. WordPress Contact Form 7 is the most used plugin that comes with multiple contact form options. You can add the additional field as per your requirement, if you need to get the mobile number of the sender, you can add another field to the form easily.

Contact Form 7 WordPress plugin Banner

2. Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is one of the most widely used plugins you can have. Whether you are managing a personal blog or a client website, Yoast is a powerful tool that can help you to make your website search engine friendly. Yoast makes easy control of titles, meta descriptions, targeted keywords, managing sitemap and so much more.

Yoast SEO WordPress plugin Banner

3. Google XML Sitemaps

Yet another useful SEO plugin for WordPress, Google XML Sitemaps helps search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo! (people still use that, right?) to better index your website with a special XML sitemap.

Google XML Sitemaps WordPress plugin

4. W3 Total Cache

Your website’s speed plays an important role in search engine ranking you should know. W3 Total Cache helps you to optimize your WordPress site performance and speed. It compresses the pages, set up a content delivery network for your static files and improves your website speed. Visit Gtmatrix.com to check out website speed before and after setup W3 Total cache, you will see the effect of this plugin own.

W3 Total Cache WordPress plugin Banner

5. Envira Gallery

To post a lot of images on the website, Envira Gallery plugin for you. This is responsive WordPress plugin allow you to create a beautiful image gallery with a lot of powerful effects, easy navigation with responsive design. Envira Gallery Lite has the free version of this plugin which you can try right away.

Envira Gallery WordPress plugin Banner

6. Slider Revolution

This is premium slider available as WordPress plugin. It gained huge popularity in WordPress due to its huge features and easy to use. The plugin is responsive-ready and includes multiple slider layout options to make your life easier. This plugin provides easy options, media support etc.

slider revolution WordPress plugin banner

7. Word fence Security

Word fence is popular best WordPress plugin that helps you tighten the security of your WordPress website and protect it from hacking, malware attempts. It comes with the website application firewall, which filters all the traffic to your website and blocks suspicious requests. The basic Word fence plugin is free, but also comes with a premium version that gives you access to more advanced features.

Wordfence  plugin Banner

8. MailChimp

MailChimp is one of the world’s leading email provider, and it extremely easy to use. Uses in WordPress to build the email list and send updates to the user who all subscribed your website or blog. To connect with the WordPress site, you need to have account. Before setting in website visit website and click on ‘signup free’ button.

9. WooCommerce

WooCommerce plugin is the power of an online store that let you sell products and service through a WordPress website. This quick setup wizard will help you to configure the basic setting. It’s completely optional and shouldn’t take longer than five minutes. This is the free plugin but some additional features come with the paid version.

WooCommerce WordPress plugin

10. Akismet

Akismet comes pre-installed in WordPress theme. This is comment spam filtering plugin founder by the co-founder of WordPress Matt Mullenweg. Akismet takes the pain out of comment moderation. It ensures that the spam doesn’t mess with search engine ranking. This is most usable plugin blog websites.

akismet plugin banner

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