Web Design Principles: 11 Ways to Boost Your Conversion Rate

Web Design servicesPrinciples: 11 Ways to Boost Your Conversion Rate

Updated on October 3, 2024

Web Design

Top 11 Ways to Bust Your Web Design Services

Your website design is your key to success! You might be putting out great content that is informative to your audience, but without a good Web Design Services, it shall all be in vain. Surprising, isn’t it? It’s proven true by studies. When people visit a website, the design and feel need to assure them that they are on the right site. If they do not get a positive and professional vibe, they will leave the site sooner than you wish they would. If you are looking for a web design company in Gurgaon, then you must surely visit web decorum which provides you with solutions for all your website-related issues.

So, how should you design your website to ensure a higher conversion rate? Here are some tips to help you out–

Limited Options, Attractive Website

Yes! Customers usually don’t have much time to click on the navigation bars and search for various options. Often, various options can distract your customer with no action. As stated by hick’s law time taken by an individual to make a decision is directly proportional to the number of choices presented.

How can you limit the choices?

    • Scroll down page against navigation bar
    • Skimming the headlines to help customer read the blog
    • Increase your social media presence or add leave a comment

Create Impactful Image on Your Website

Putting impactful images on your website can keep your visitors focused on the main call to action button, rather than diverting their eye to navigate somewhere else.

How can you limit the choices?

Follow the “Rule of Thirds” where you visually divide the image into thirds both horizontally and vertically.

Web Deisign

Respect Your Customers Time

Do you know a one second delay in your website page loading can result in a 7% reduction in conversions! This is because your customer may turn impatience and leave your site instead of waiting for the page to load. So, it’s essential to respect your customer’s time.

How can you increase your website loading speed?

  • Check your page speed and trouble shoot any problems
  • Run your website through one of the free tools like Google page speed insights, Sucuri, Pingdom and Key CDN.

website loading speed



Your audience will want to stay on your site longer and take in the content you are putting out only if it soothes their eye. In the need of an aesthetic layout, the readability factor is very important to maintain. What does this mean? Smaller paragraphs, use of negative space, and the content should not be clumsy.

If you have a large paragraph, break it up into smaller ones with 2-3 sentences only. Your audience does not like to go through long paragraphs, their attention span is low and you must keep that in mind.

What is ‘Negative Space’?

It is the blank space between all the main content on your site. The space between letters and lines, the area between the header and the content, the one between the image and its description – all of it attribute to negative space. You must make sure that you use it wisely. Well-spaced lines and maintaining line-height adds to increasing the readability.

These tips in turn ensure that your website is not too clumsy, keeping the reader’s attention.

Negative Space


Even if your content is great and your site provides amazing services, if getting to your site proves to be a hassle, you will lose your audience as the site loads. Slow site loading makes 7% of your audience leave.

How to increase speed?

Ensure that there are no issues while loading. Know the amount of traffic you are to generate. Your bandwidth must make sure that the site does not crash when more people view the site. Apart from that, if the content is larger, you should consider modifying it to improve speed.

Slow site loading makes 7% of your audience leave.

Colour Schemes

The colour scheme you use for your website will reflect the mood for your site. If your website provides fun content, using a dark colour scheme will confuse your audience about the site’s purpose. At the same time, while trying to match the mood, the colours should not be off-putting.

How to select color scheme for your website?

Test and try the response of your audience using site metrics to understand what works well for them. You should also use contrasting colours on the site. It helps catch the attention of the viewer at the exact place you want them to notice (like a call to action button).

How to select color scheme for your website?


Continuing from the previous point, your call to action buttons need to be strategically placed to grab your audience’s attention. For this, there must be a well-constructed layout for the page.

You can use ‘The Rule of Thirds’ for this. It is a photography principle. It divides the image (here, the webpage) into a 3×3 grid. The important aspects that should grab the viewer’s attention are present on the intersections of the lines. The four intersections are proven to be the most engaging parts of the picture. You could consider placing your call to action buttons in such a location to increase conversion.

Another layout that you can use is the F-layout. Research shows that if you place the content of your website in a manner representing an F, the audience is more likely to keep their attention intact. It helps them scan the page.

If you are located in Gurgaon, you can contact a website design company in Gurgaon to help you optimize and design your website.

How to use the F-layout?

Keep your most important content on the top left of the website. The rest of the significant content will be along the lines forming the F. Keep items of less importance in the lower visibility area.

How to use the F-layout?


Do not use too many different layout designs throughout your website. Keeping a similarity will help your audience stay comfortable throughout their experience of engaging with your page. It will also help them remember your website’s interface for a longer duration.

  1. Minimalize

    Keep your website design clean. Do not put out everything you have to offer at once. That tends to confuse your audience to choose what they should pick. You could categorize the options on the navigation bar to be precise. The main bar should have lesser options; the sub-categories can be more specific. They can have more sub-categories if need be. This makes the system structured, while you get to tell them all you have to offer.

    The headlines you use should be precise. Be direct. Keep the phrases short. Insert a number to tell them how many points you will be discussing. With minimum usage of words, you should be able to interest your audience to click on the header. This is an important aspect of the conversion rate.

    If your site wants to lead the audience somewhere, like to purchase a product/service, or to register for something, the website design should highlight the area where the call for action button it. It should be easily accessible and noticeable.

    Webdecorum is a leading web design company in Gurgaon, where your search will come to an end for a techno-rich website, which you are looking for your company.

Source High Quality and Compelling Images

Research shows that using high quality and compelling images can get an average of more than 90% views.

Where can I find high quality and compelling images?

Instead of using a bland and irrelevant images for your website. Try using one of the sources mentioned below to increase views and clicks on your website.

  • Pixabay
  • Unsplash
  • Pexels
  • Pxhere
  • Death to stock
  • Negative space

Source High Quality and Compelling Images

You have 8 seconds!

By now you know that your audience has a low attention span. You have to put out your content keeping this in mind. Ensure that you make all your important deliverables noticed within 8 seconds. This means that there should be eye-catching headlines, images, power words and effects that your audience will notice right away. If you are confused about this, simply visit another website and note what is grabbing your attention right away.

Always remember that it is not just the content you put out, but your presentation makes all the difference to boost your conversion rate. If you have a website and you are looking for a web design company or other states, look for various solutions all these things which can make your website look outstanding.

For more information and free consultation, please contact us at info@webdecorum.com or by click here.